Workmaze Deliver New Website for Business School Alumni
Posted on Tuesday, 1st February 2011

Hull University Business School has appointed UK based career specialists Workmaze, to provide a unique, tailored career progression scheme to its graduates.
The Alumni Connect scheme offers a range of tools specifically for former students, including access to the latest recruitment guides, access to online journals and research and crucially an hour of one-to-one personalised career advice and coaching.
Professor Mike Jackson, Dean of the Business School, said: ‘At Hull University Business School, we believe it is important to equip our students with the latest business thinking, both while they are studying with us and once they have graduated.
‘We conducted research with students and graduates and found that they wanted guidance on career progression throughout their career. By linking with the experts at Workmaze Ltd, we have created a scheme that will give our alumni an added advantage in a competitive job market and we look forward to launching the end result in January.’
Mike Elliott, Managing Director of Workmaze Ltd, said: ‘We work with business schools nationally and internationally and have a wealth of career guidance expertise which will enhance and guide the business school’s project. For us this is an exciting scheme as it is very tailored and specifically focused on the real needs and requirements of graduates. We are very pleased to be onboard.’
Associated Documents:
Alumni Programme Content
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Find out more about what the Alumni Programme includes.